Pierre-Luc Dubois Goal-Scored Puck vs. BUF Sabres 1/24/2024
Pierre-Luc Dubois Goal-Scored Puck vs. BUF Sabres 1/24/2024 Pierre-Luc Dubois Goal-Scored Puck vs. BUF Sabres 1/24/2024 Pierre-Luc Dubois Goal-Scored Puck vs. BUF Sabres 1/24/2024


Pierre-Luc Dubois Goal-Scored Puck vs. BUF Sabres 1/24/2024


Scored by #80 of your LA Kings, Pierre-Luc Dubois. This was P-L's 10th goal of the season, to give the Kings a 3-1 lead on the Power Play. This scoring...